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Five discussion points from our Horizons’ presentation tour round-up

A note from our MD and Co-founder, Greg Wells.

It was brilliant week to present the Horizons report to Industry Members and those looking to become Industry Members. Many thanks to those came, especially the many that travelled. Also, many thanks to Northern Monk, Great Beyond and Wiper & True for hosting us at their brilliant tap rooms.

We got to present an overview and deep-dive into our Horizons on Work & Economy, and the Environment. Here are five take-aways from the discussions had during and after the presentation that I think are super important for beer.

+ A moment of cultural change. The new values that drive ideas of success and their impact on people’s work, life and leisure is as big a shift in culture as we’re likely to see in our working lives. Everyone felt this a “pivot moment” and our products, experiences and marketing need to adapt accordingly. Thankfully beer does community so well, so a strong foundation to drive relevance.

+ Recruitment is key. The resonance of good beer, and the craft moment, is very much of its age and demographics. It does reach younger drinkers’ but why they’re into the category and how they engage is different. There’s a knowledge gap meaning there’s so much more to do to understand them, and build brands with them over the next 5 years.

+ Sustainability is tightrope. There’s a need to get out of the mindset that sustainability credentials mean consumers and customers will pay more for your environmental efforts, they won’t. But it will drive choice, especially if you get it wrong. Continual monitoring of ever rising “table stakes” is the minimum requirement. Nailing your strategy and position is now is a must.

+ We need to work with retailers. Brilliant to hear of our work being used to win business with retailers. To make that more effective we’re going to make sure we get our reports into the hands of the biggest decision makers across the route-to-market.

+ Putting the drinker first. There’s a wide acceptance of giving people what they want and of going where they are is going to drive success. People work hard in order to spend their money on good beer and “craft” as category is going on a mindset shift of “build it and they will come” to “giving people what they want”. Brand meaning and real value will drive the category more than hype and exclusivity.

Access the full Horizons report today, and all future insight reports and events by becoming a We Are Beer industry Member.
If you’d like to hear more, you can reach out Greg on [email protected]

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